Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bragging and more Bragging.

So yesterday, I prayed to God, asking him to give me at least two people that I could bring to Saturday. As you all know, Saturday is the big blow-out party thing for the teens. So I prayed really hard about getting two people. Today I arrived at school, just like any ordinary day, but I soon found out it wasn't. I have study hall 5th period...all of a sudden, this girl that I had never seen before, moved to Lockport.(right away I knew that was God.) I haven't talked to her yet, but I will. The next girl I invited is Somertyme. She had recently told me she was an atheist and she didn't believe in that "God stuff". She agreed to come also on Saturday. Another thing that I prayed about was Nathan Campbell(he had food poisioning) or something, but last night he began to tell me, I don't think I can really make it Wednesday if im feeling like this. So I prayed. Today he says he feels 100% better. Just in one day, God had really shown himself to me, and I can't be quiet about it. I have to tell everyone that God has shown himself to me. It is amazing! Jeremy always talks about how when God shows himself, you'll know, and it will overcome you. Well can I share a little secret with you? He's right!I feel like God really knows what he doing, with putting Jeremy as our head leader. He is a great friend,youth pastor, husband, and daddy. Sabrina is amazing too. And my little conner is the best.


Anonymous said...

i love you so much! i am so glad that God answered your prayers! don't you feel so special and like God is Really REAL when something like this happens! It's the best! And your the best! =) -Sabrina

Debbie said...

I am glad that you got to see God as wonderful as he is!